Navigating Cells
Uses a cell selection system akin to a Jupyter notebook.
- ↑ / ↓, click: Change selected cell
- Shift + ↑ / ↓: Move cell up/down
- Alt + ↑ / ↓: Collapse/uncollapse cell
- Enter, double-click: Edit cell
- Escape, click outside: Stop editing cell
- Space: Toggle cell as enabled/disabled (determines inclusion in chat completions)
- Shift+space: Condense/uncondense large cell
- Backspace: Delete cell
- 0-9: Quicksave to slot 0-9
- Shift+0-9: Quickload from slot 0-9
- Ctrl+0-9: Delete quicksave in slot 0-9
- Ctrl-z: Undo last operation (usually doesn't work)
Adding and modifying roles
- a: Add assistant message
- s: Add system message
- d, u: Add user message
- c: Add comment
- f: Add last output as assistant message
- Left, right, click on role: cycle message role
Generating text
- \: Generate chat completion
- |: Generate text completion
- Don't use Ctrl-C + Ctrl-V to copy/paste, as this will pick up formatting. Use Ctrl-Shift-C and Ctrl-Shift-V instead. Or paste into your address bar to remove formatting and then copy from there.